MIDI Implementation Chart
Control Change
The MC-101 can Receive (RX) and/or Transmit (TX) the following Control Changes:
1 - Modulation (RX)
5 - Portamento Time (RX)
7 - Volume (RX)
10 - Panpot (Rx)
11 - Expression (RX)
64 - Hold 1 (RX)
65 - Portamento (RX)
66 - Sostenuto (RX)
67 - Soft (RX)
68 - Legato Foot Switch (RX)
71 - Resonance (RX)
72 - Release Time (RX)
73 - Attack Time (RX)
74 - Cutoff (RX)
75 - Decay Time (RX)
76 - Vibrato Rate (RX)
77 - Vibrato Depth (RX)
78 - Vibrato Delay (RX)
80 - [FILTER] Knob (RX/TX)
81 - [MOD] knob (RX/TX)
82 - [FX] Knob (RX/TX)
83 - [SOUND] Knob (RX/TX)
84 - Portamento Control (RX)
91 - Reverb Send Level (RX)
93 - Delay Send Level (RX)
Program Change
You can change Clips of a specific Track by sending Program Change 0 to 15 on the MIDI Channel of that Track
You can change Scenes by sending Program Change 0 to 127 on the MIDI Control Channel
Note that the MC-101 can send and receive Program Changes on all MIDI Channels, including on the Control Channel
Note Number
Drum Pad
Play specific Drum Pads using D#1 to E3 on the MIDI Channel of the Drum Track. Not all notes within this range will play sounds, so please refer the the list below:
Drum Pad 1 - C#1 (Pitch 37)
Drum Pad 2 - D#1 (Pitch 39)
Drum Pad 3 - F#1 (Pitch 42)
Drum Pad 4 - A#1 (Pitch 46)
Drum Pad 5 - C#2 (Picth 49)
Drum Pad 6 - D#2 (Pitch 51)
Drum Pad 7 - F#2 (Pitch 54)
Drum Pad 8 - G#2 (Pitch 56)
Drum Pad 9 - C1 (Pitch 36)
Drum Pad 10 - D1 (Pitch 38)
Drum Pad 11 - F1 (Pitch 41)
Drum Pad 12 - A1 (Pitch 45)
Drum Pad 13 - C2 (Pitch 48)
Drum Pad 14 - D3 (Pitch 62)
Drum Pad 15 - D#3 (Pitch 63)
Drum Pad 16 - E3 (Pitch 64)
Scatter Pad
Select a specific Scatter Pad using C4 to D#5 (Pitch 60 to 75) on Control Channel. On some devices you may need to use higher octave(s). For example, on the Dirtywave M8, you should use C6 to D#7 for this purpose
Tips & Tricks
Play Hidden Drum Sounds
Several preset Drum Kits have "hidden" sounds that are placed beyond the 16 Drum Pads. Use an external MIDI controller to play those additional sounds. You can even record those sounds with a MIDI controller, but you cannot edit them afterwards
Sequence Clip and/or Scene Changes
You can sequence Clip and/or Scene changes by having an external instrument sending Program Changes on the Track Channel or on the Control Channel respectively. The time it will take to change the Clip or Scene is defined by the "MSTRSTEPLEN" setting in [TEMPO]
Sequence Scatter Effects
You can sequence Scatter Effects changes for super glitchy effects by having an external instrument sending Notes 60 to 75 on the Control Channel
Recording MIDI CC using External Instruments
To record "Motion" of knobs C1 to C4 using external instruments, you need to have the external instrument sending CCs 80 to 83 on the same MIDI channel of the MC-101 track. Additionally, since firmware version 1.82, you can record up to 4 additional parameters sent by CCs 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 64, 91 and 93 and 1 additional parameter, which is Pitch Bend
Start and Stop from External Instrument while keeping MC-101 as the Master Clock
From my experience, you need to set the MC-101 "Sync Src" to "AUTO" and prevent the External Instrument from sending "Sync" or "Clock", while still sending "Transport" information such as "Start" and "Stop"
For example, in my setup comprised of MC-101, M8 headless and Korg nanoKONTROL (all connected via USB with a Raspberry Pi 4, to send/receive MIDI and Audio between all devices), I need to do the following:
In "SYSTEM(MIDI)" settings of MC-101, set "Sync Src" to "AUTO", "SyncOut USB" to "ON", "RX Start USB" to "ON" and "Ctrl Ch" to "CH14", to avoid conflicts with the M8
This is especially useful to keep both instruments in sync, reduce USB Audio latency when playing audio from both units and/or recoding audio from USB onto a Looper Track on the MC-101